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Secrets of caring for delicate skin around the eyes: maintain your youth and beauty

The skin around the eyes is considered one of the thinnest and most delicate areas of our face. She is more prone to wrinkles, puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. Therefore, caring for this area requires special attention and care. In this article, we will look at some simple but effective tips for caring for the skin around the eyes that will help you maintain the youth and beauty of your eyes.

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1. Cleansing and makeup removal

Before using any skin care products around your eyes, you should thoroughly cleanse the area and remove any makeup. At the same time, you should choose mild makeup removers to avoid skin irritation. Hydrophilic oil or balm is ideal.

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2. Hydration

Hydration plays a key role in caring for the skin around the eyes. Use moisturizing creams or patches that help moisturize and strengthen the skin. Apply the cream with light patting movements so as not to stretch the delicate skin around the eyes.

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3. Massage

Massage helps increase blood circulation and improve lymphatic drainage, which helps reduce puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. Use clean fingers or special massage tools to massage around the eyes.

It is better to do massage in the evening.

Regularly performing a set of simple exercises will help relieve tension and tone the muscles surrounding the eyes:

  • Fix your gaze on some point, then quickly move it to an object nearby. Repeat this exercise 5 times.

  • Close your eyes as tightly as possible, count to five, then open them wide and count to five again. Repeat the exercise 5 times. Place your palms on the brow ridges so as not to wrinkle your forehead during the exercise.

  • Without turning your head, slowly squint your eyes all the way to the left, count to 5, and then repeat in the same way to the right. Return your eyes to their original position and close for a few seconds. Repeat 5 times.

  • Blink both eyes as often as possible for about 10 seconds. Then close your eyes for 2-3 seconds and open them. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

  • Raise your eyes as high as possible without raising your face, and count to three. Then lower your eyes down and count to three. Rest for a few seconds with your eyes closed and repeat 4 more times.

  • Make slow rotational movements with your eyeballs from left to right and right to left twice. Repeat 5 times.

  • Press your thumb on the points located one centimeter from the outer corners of your eyes for a minute. Repeat 5 times, taking a minute break.

  • Press 3 times at intervals of a minute with your index finger and thumb on the points between the bridge of your nose and the inner corners. Pressing duration is one minute. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times, taking a minute break.

4. Sun protection:

Ultraviolet rays are one of the main causes of premature skin aging. So don't forget to apply sunscreen around your eyes, even on cloudy days.

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5. Proper nutrition and hydration

A healthy diet and drinking enough water are of great importance for beautiful skin. Hydrating from within, as well as eating foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, will help keep the skin around your eyes looking youthful and firm, or take dietary supplements.

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Caring for the skin around the eyes

requires regular attention and proper care procedures. By following the tips described in this article, you can keep this delicate area of ​​your face looking youthful and attractive. Remember that devoting time and care to your eyes is an investment in your confidence and maintaining your beauty for years to come. We also recommend reading our article about patches.